Load Tables tab [Smart Galvanised T-Bar]
Section Properties
Designation | Mass per Metre | Gross Section Area | About x-axis | About y-axis | |
Flange—Horizontal (H) mm | Ag | Ix | Zx | Iy | |
Web—Vertical (V) mm | kg/m | mm^2 | 10^6 mm^4 | 10^3 mm^3 | 10^6 mm^4 |
200x6(H) +200x6(V) | 18.84 | 2400 | 10.4 | 32 | 4.003 |
200x6(H) +200x8(V) | 21.98 | 2800 | 12.6 | 72 | 4.009 |
200x6(H) +200x10(V) | 25.12 | 3200 | 14.6 | 115 | 4.017 |
200x10(H) +200x10(V) | 31.4 | 4000 | 17.7 | 127 | 6.69 |
Budabar T bars - Safe load tables
200x6 flange | Span (mm) | 1800 | 2100 | 2400 | 2700 | 3000 | 3300 |
200x6 web | Bar Length(mm) | 2100 | 2400 | 2700 | 300 | 3300 | 3600 |
18.84kg/m | UDL (kg/m) | 1015 | 750 | 585 | 468 | 375 | 310 |
Point Load(kg) | 995 | 843 | 745 | 668 | 600 | 535 |
200x6 flange | Span (mm) | 2400 | 2700 | 3000 | 3300 | 3600 | 3900 |
200x8 web | Bar Length(mm) | 2700 | 3000 | 3300 | 3600 | 3900 | 4200 |
21.98kg/m | UDL (kg/m) | 1350 | 1065 | 870 | 725 | 605 | 515 |
Point Load(kg) | 1715 | 1525 | 1375 | 1255 | 1135 | 1050 |
200x6 flange | Span (mm) | 3600 | 3900 | 4200 | 4500 | 4800 | 5100 | 5400 | 5700 |
200x10 web | Bar Length(mm) | 3900 | 4200 | 4500 | 4800 | 5100 | 5400 | 5700 |
6000 |
25.12kg/m | UDL (kg/m) | 825 | 650 | 515 | 410 | 345 | 280 | 230 | 195 |
Point Load(kg) | 1825 | 1635 | 1415 | 1210 | 1065 | 915 | 805 | 715 |
200x10 flange | Span (mm) | 3600 | 3900 | 4200 | 4500 | 4800 | 5100 | 5400 |
200x10 web | Bar Length(mm) | 3900 | 4200 | 4500 | 4800 | 510 | 5400 | 5700 |
31.4kg/m | UDL (kg/m) | 980 | 828 | 703 | 580 | 480 | 385 | 320 |
Point Load(kg) | 2015 | 1865 | 1685 | 1475 | 1280 | 1125 | 1075 |
200x10 flange | Span (mm) | 5700 | 6000 | 6300 | 6600 | 6900 | 7200 |
200x10 web | Bar Length(mm) | 6000 | 6300 | 6600 | 6900 | 7200 | 7500 |
31.4kg/m | UDL (kg/m) | 265 | 228 | 190 | 165 | 140 | 116 |
Point Load(kg) | 990 | 865 | 775 | 685 | 620 | 550 |
Notes on Safe Load Tables for Budabar-T-Bars
The Buda-T-Bar is imported from China, material used is Q235B, Q235 material is in accordance with PRC standard GB 700(previous version GB700-79 part A3 & C3), and here Q stands for yielding. According to PRC
National Standard GB700-88, the minimum yielding point is 235Mpa for thicknesses less than 17mm, tensile strength is between 375-400MPa, E=200~210 GPa
- The Buda-T-Bar is simply supported at both ends.
- The Buda-T-Bar is loaded such that the load acts vertically and equally on both sides of the web.
- The Buda-T-Bar is considered as being laterally unrestrained for the full span length.
- UDL loads are constant along the length of the bar.
- Point loads act at mid-span.
- 150mm minimum bearing support on to brickwork.
- Hot-dip galvanising to AS / NZS 4680:2006.
- Loads are in accordance with AS / NZS 1170.1:2002.
- a minimum of three courses of bricks must be laid above the lintel beam.
Load limited by deflection of 1/500 span. - Yielding stress fy=235 Mpa, tensile strength fu=375Mpa for both web and flange.
- Mass per metre calculation is based on 7850kg/m^3.
- Calculate bar length is span+150mm each end.